My struggles in life hajoyell_hayes_prog_420_bordven’t been things like depression, illness, anxiety, or rotten relationships.    Nope. My main struggle has been weight gain.

I have always been pretty active dancing, doing aerobics and various workouts, but as I got older and life got busier, my exercise began slacking, my eating habits were totally WHACK, and as a result, this girl put on some weight.

Yes, to put it simply, I got fat.

The kicker? I wasn’t even overeating. After all, that might have been pretty enjoyable. No. I was undereating, which health wise, is just as bad.

Coming from a family plagued with health issues such as obesity, hypertension, diabetes, etc., I knew how important it was to maintain a good level of health and activity.  However, I was beginning to let my health slip and my weight began to climb.  I wasn’t eating enough, I was eating poorly, I wasn’t drinking enough water, and certainly not getting enough activity in. I was beginning to feel awful and I was having a hard time maintaining the necessary energy to maintain my hectic life.

Taking ownership

People often ask me when I hit Rock Bottom.  I can’t really say that I hit one.  I took full and complete ownership for every missed meal, every meal of just cereal, every time I only ate one meal a day or committed gluttony with his Turkey Spaghetti.  You see, I was in a relationship with a man who could REALLY cook, so I mostly ate one amazing meal once a day, which is not good. I don’t know if this would be considered Rock Bottom, but I do know it was when I had simply had enough.

I distinctly remember my “aha” moment. I was out doing some shopping in Rice Village and as I walked past a store window I looked to my right and saw my reflection.  Let’s just say the face looked like mine, but I thought to myself that body couldn’t belong to me.  I slowly backed up, looked again, and my heart sunk as the reality slowly sank in:

I was fat.

The girl who worked out in the front row of Turbo Kick Boxing class was fat.  The girl with the load of confidence, fat.  The girl whose family suffered from all conditions preventable with nutrition, fat.  The girl who knew better, fat.

It was at that moment I decided that something had to give.

I began to look for a program and nutrition that fit into my lifestyle and would be something I would enjoy.  I was familiar with the TurboKick format so I decided on Turbofire.  I mean, I couldn’t go to gym because I was fat, right?  I did the program off and on but didn’t really commit.  I was no longer gaining weight; I was just maintaining.  I needed to lose, so I Committed to more.

Each day I worked out, drank my Shakeology, and followed the outlined meal plan.  With Turbofire and Shakeology I was able to lose around 30 lbs.  I had Success, although I don’t consider this a success because I had reached a goal weight (I am still on my journey) but because I was able to follow through on the commitment I made to myself to be healthier and I was seeing results.

Go Team Beachbody!HELLO! (2)

Team Beachbody has contributed to my life in the most amazing way.  While the Beachbody programs and Shakeology have transformed my body and my approach to fitness, it has also granted me the opportunity to share my story, success, and failures with others.  This in turn, has helped others to attain a healthier lifestyle as well.

Becoming a coach has allowed me to do what I love and turn it into a career and this makes me ecstatic!  Helping people is something I love! It feels great to share with people that there is another option; a healthier option and it doesn’t matter where you are in your fitness.  Once you decide to make that change and you commit, success is guaranteed.  I’ve gone on to certify to teach several formats, personal train, speak and most of all teach people to change their lives in all areas; not just fitness.

The bottom line is If you want amazing results and you want to change your life, I want you to know 100% that it’s possible! It might not be easy, but it’s certainly possible!

Commit to yourself, then commit to me, and I will in turn commit to you.  The help and support provided by myself and my team will ensure that you are never on the journey alone and the end result will be you enjoying the new YOU in so many ways!

That’s my story. Now, allow me to help you change yours.

The question is DO YOU WANT TO?

If you do, I Can Be Your Coach For FREE!  Sign up here!